Love you bad chef ❣️ you’re so multi skilled!

This was v funny I enjoyed it. And am now craving a panini.

I have a George Forman grill story: (to preface for this whole story we were very very very drunk) we have this stupid night out event (it’s inherently silly) in the UK called Bongos Bingo. You play bingo, drunk, and win prizes. It’s chaos. It’s full of music, hosts who are comedian esc and everyone stands on tables. The tables and floors are soaked with beer and alcohol so people fall over constantly. Idk if this is sounding fun or horrible. I promise it’s very fun. It’s a student thing mainly. ANYWAY we won a George Forman grill once. We were ecstatic. A GF grill! As poor students of course we did not have such a luxury. Received the grill, took it back to our table and very *very* drunkly marvelled and admired it. When the event was over, we went to a bar. Took the grill, bought it a spot in the cloak room. The bouncer took soooo much persuading - we had to pay for its place. Anyway - after all that work on the bouncer, they let us take it in. After a few hours we went to a club, so retrieved the grill and walked a few streets to the club. One of my friends was so drunk she threw the grill. THE GEORGE FORMAN GRILL. Threw it. It smashed on the concrete and I was so mad at her, scooped it up off the ground (in pieces). I took the grill in pieces to the club to ask if they’d put it in the cloak room. The bouncer took one look at this broken grill in my arms burst out laughing and was like that’s gone. I said no! I can FIX this!! Please babysit the broken grill! He said no. He threw it away. A tear escaped my eye and it took about 24 hours to speak to my friend again. It was a devastating night.

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Ahahaha Omgggg your poor George Foreman grill 😭 your friend of course got the silent treatment lmao. I am in love with your commitment and somewhat delusional determination to somehow fix the grill that would absolutely be me as well 🤣 I can perfectly picture this night out there was only two ways this was going to end!! And it was with the bouncer letting y’all plug into the cloak room to make midnight paninis for him and yourselves OR with the grill in pieces hahaha.

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I was full of so much delusion that I could fix it. It was like Dutch courage but for being a mechanic?! I was so completely convinced I could do it hahaha.😭 in hindsight I think the bouncer probably saved me from being even more devastated and having to look at the grill the next morning in pieces in the house - at least we never saw it again hahahah

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I love this, Amani!!! Give me moreeee!!!!

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Haha thanks Eve !! hell yeah ❣️

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I was just laughing at how your book posts make me hungry and then I came across this...!!! 🤭

That looks so good!

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